Road Trip: Day 62

Posted: September 25, 2016 by timjollymore in Uncategorized

Dateline: Houghton, Michigan

It’s true. I leave out a great deal: the driving, the rain, the weariness, the worry and wondering. But who wants to hear it, anyway. Yes, anyway? The payoff on the work of traveling (constantly) is a kaleidoscopic view of life in a wonderful variety. Did I mention it has been weeks since I’ve seen a mosquito worth a swat?

So, yes, it took over four hours to get to Houghton (I’m attending Festival Ruska at Finlandia University tomorrow to hear Mark Munger, a Duluth writer, talk and read from his work) but the post-industrial beauty of the place is uplifting. hh-2People here–despite the evaporation of all the mining jobs years ago–make their homes among opera houses, major public buildings, and a host of engineering feats worthy of much larger towns (a great bridge and a major canal inexplicably called “the portage”). See for yourself how water looks here at sunset, and how grand the buildings look, and how folks have saved even the painted signs on the backs of buildings.  BUILDINGS:


and breakfast tomorrow morning at the Finnish cafe:


  1. Beverly Korby says:

    I am really enjoying the blog! Try the pannukakku at the Finnish cafe (name?) in Hancock.

    Sent from my iPad



Tell it like it is!